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Summer Party

October 4, 2024STA Admin

All families have their traditions and ours is no exception: every summer we get together to celebrate the warm weather and the beginning of a well-deserved rest.
This year, our house was invaded by the spirit of the Far West and no one could remain indifferent to this rodeo.

A saloon that's a saloon, you can't do without good old Western music and food worthy of any Sheriff. Do you think cowboys only venture into arenas? So, you certainly didn't see our colleagues facing the mechanical bull with style and a lot of courage!

In the end, everyone left with a story worthy of note and, most importantly, with a smile on their face.
Until the next party (which is like saying: until the next duel at sunset)!

STA - Sociedade Transformadora de Alumínios, SA 
Rua Terramonte 771, 4470 - 122 Gueifães - Maia, Portugal
Tel: + 351 22 906 92 20 (chamadas para a rede fixa nacional) | www.sta.com.pt | geral@sta.com.pt

Pessoa Colectiva  502 029 951
Matriculada na Conservatória Registo Comercial da Maia
Capital Social € 2.035.240,00
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