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Summer Party
All families have their traditions and ours is no exception.
Rosa Sousa
Like Steve Rogers as Caption America makes life easier for the American Army, Rosa does the same for STA
José Fonseca and Ricardo Oliveira
Tony STArk never stops improving his Iron Man armor, making him faster and more efficient. Here at STA, José Fonseca and Ricardo Oliveira treat their grinding robots like real Tony STArk’s.
World Day for Health and Safety at Work
April 28th is World Occupational Health and Safety Day; we at STA are not indifferent to this date.
Joaquim Gonçalves
In the same way that Batman drives his batmobile, Mr. Joaquim travels daily on his motorbike. Rain or shine, he winds his way along the road until he reaches his destination safely, ready to save the STA family's day!
The Human Strategy Prize
How a small company can be BIG in people.
STA "sailors"
The reason why we are doing what we are doing is because we want a better life. For our customers, our colleagues and of course for ourselves.
Maria João Santos
Bruce Banner was exposed to heavy doses of gamma radiation and Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider. This is Maria João.
Join us on a journey
When we decided to celebrate our new brand identity with a promotional video, we instinctively knew that same-old wasn’t going to cut it.
Touch surfaces are a major point of contagion and Nanocoat® is here to stop spreading bacterial, viral. and fungal infections.
Designers have long been inspired by nature, by its simplicity and uniqueness. And what is simpler, yet unique every day, than a sunrise?
Our new brand identity
We started a journey. Our destination: to make it clear why we are in business and how STA takes care of its employees and its customers.
STA - Sociedade Transformadora de Alumínios, SA 
Rua Terramonte 771, 4470 - 122 Gueifães - Maia, Portugal
Tel: + 351 22 906 92 20 (chamadas para a rede fixa nacional) | www.sta.com.pt | geral@sta.com.pt

Pessoa Colectiva  502 029 951
Matriculada na Conservatória Registo Comercial da Maia
Capital Social € 2.035.240,00
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