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About STA
Francisco Branco
I’m a young spirit, dynamic and curious person who has always liked to know how things work and how they are done. This passion for the technical area and for new technologies has traced my training path, starting with the Computer Technician course, and continuing with the Degree in Mechanical Engineering - Production Management at ISEP.

In the summer of 2005, when I started my duties as Director of Engineering, I thought this would be a transition job to a new challenge in a sexier industry, like the automotive industry. However, I was pleasantly surprised, and I felt so welcomed into this family that I have been here since.

Our company may not be the “sexiest girl in high school”, but it is that “girl” that welcomes you into her family, conquer your heart, and gives you all the stability, love, and security you could ever wish for to achieve your goals*. 

The list of evolutions and accomplishments at a technical level in these 18 years is long, but above all these achievements I want to thank (and praise) all the people who are, were (and always will be) part of this great family; from the administration to the operator, without all of you, STA’s success would not be possible.**

*Ed – Of course you can interchange “girl” with “boy” or “human”. Don’t get side-tracked.

**Ed – I know it sounds like a eulogy. It’s not. Maybe one day. 😊

STA - Sociedade Transformadora de Alumínios, SA 
Rua Terramonte 771, 4470 - 122 Gueifães - Maia, Portugal
Tel: + 351 22 906 92 20 (chamadas para a rede fixa nacional) | www.sta.com.pt | geral@sta.com.pt

Pessoa Colectiva  502 029 951
Matriculada na Conservatória Registo Comercial da Maia
Capital Social € 2.035.240,00
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