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About STA
Talented, Dedicated, Never-say-die
A Team like very few Others
This family of 154 members is STA's most valuable asset. Even more than our renowned smarts and skills, this motley crew is famous for their humility, agility, persistence, and determination. We work together like few others do. Moreover, we care like few others do. About ourselves, our families, each other, and STA's customers.

The humans of STA confront and solve problems, survive failures, and get things done. We continue where others have stopped. We see opportunity where others see boundaries.

We are humble, agile, persistent, and determined. We play by the rules and don't cut corners. We count on many minds and hands to make light work. Bouncing ideas off others and seeing improvements implemented motivates us to make the next improvement. If we see a colleague struggling, we reach out to help. This makes everything in the organisation run like clockwork. We think before we act and consider the consequences. We keep on trying. We are accountable for our words, actions, and attitudes.

Each human in STA is appreciated for their unique identity, interest, talent, and ability. We value diversity and being our true selves. We are not afraid of the conversation we’re having; We are more afraid of the ones we’re not. We are hand-raisers, not finger-pointers. We speak in a way that others want to listen. We listen in a way that others love to speak to us. We are positive and crystal clear. We say what we mean, and we mean what we say. We’re honest and fair in dealing with everyone.

And. We have a great sense of humour. We don’t take ourselves as seriously as we take our work.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”

Michael Jordan
STA - Sociedade Transformadora de Alumínios, SA 
Rua Terramonte 771, 4470 - 122 Gueifães - Maia, Portugal
Tel: + 351 22 906 92 20 (chamadas para a rede fixa nacional) | www.sta.com.pt | geral@sta.com.pt

Pessoa Colectiva  502 029 951
Matriculada na Conservatória Registo Comercial da Maia
Capital Social € 2.035.240,00
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