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Category: STORIES
STA "sailors"
The reason why we are doing what we are doing is because we want a better life. For our customers, our colleagues and of course for ourselves.
Join us on a journey
When we decided to celebrate our new brand identity with a promotional video, we instinctively knew that same-old wasn’t going to cut it.
STA - Sociedade Transformadora de Alumínios, SA 
Rua Terramonte 771, 4470 - 122 Gueifães - Maia, Portugal
Tel: + 351 22 906 92 20 (chamadas para a rede fixa nacional) | www.sta.com.pt | geral@sta.com.pt

Pessoa Colectiva  502 029 951
Matriculada na Conservatória Registo Comercial da Maia
Capital Social € 2.035.240,00
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